
"I have been doing hypnotherapy for many years with different therapists- I can easily say that after ONE session Kaj CHANGED MY LIFE!


I have had sleeping issues for many many years- Kaj and I did ONE session on it and ever since that day I have had a good night's sleep every night! It's a miracle! I had tried SO many things like hypnotherapy, sleeping meditations, even sleeping medications- nothing worked... except for my session with Kaj!


I love the way that he sets up his sessions, where we chat for a good while and sort of create the hypnosis togehter, so that I understand everything that is happening, and it makes so much sense, and allow for a fuller and deeper hypnosis since the mind isn't trying to "figure out" what is going on.


The mind is such a powerful thing and Kaj helps to unleash ALL the wishes you could ever want to come true- As he says- "you just need a wish, and the mind and universe can take it from there!"



I found. Kaj in January 2017 via internet search. At the time, I was experiencing numerous family problems. Faced with this, he was developing  panic.  In the first contact, on the telephone, with Mr. Kaj, I felt confident and scheduled the first hypnotherapy session, the same day. I arrived for the session, already in crisis. In the first session, I felt relief and magnificent results. So there were five sessions, and I was cured of the 'panic'.


A few months ago, I sought help again, as I was experiencing some problems at work, including situations related to moral harassment. This question was making me uncomfortable.


After the the therapy, I started to feel calmer internally and so I chose to ask for a changing sector. I made the request and entered the bureaucratic procedures. Waiting for the documentation to be ready for the change to take effect.


I am eternally grateful to Kaj, for always being an instrument of God in my life, in the moments I needed it most.


Gratitude always!






Kaj was my hypnotherapist initially and he helped me a lot. He helped me to overcome my fear of flying which greatly improved my quality of life. And, most importantly, he helped me to overcome a psoriasis crisis, today it is completely controlled and my life has changed.


Because of this experience, I took my father to consult with Kaj. My father was preparing for surgery but he suffered from a lot of fear, a lot!! Kaj did an amazing job just 3 days before surgery!! On the day of hospitalization and throughout the recovery process, hypnosis was fundamental for the success achieved. My father was confident and calm in ways we could hardly believe. We are very grateful and believe in Kaj’s work.






"Kaj helped me understand my problems, broadening my perception of my behaviors and anxieties. He was patient with my resistance and was extremely welcoming and professional during the session. A connoisseur of life, goodness and human relationships."




"I'm HIV-positive and found myself in bed after a hospital stay in which I almost lost my life. I was depressed and full of complications in my immune system. In the first sessions I could see the effectiveness of the treatment. I continue to use allopathic medicine,  but I recognize how much hypnosis helped me and changed my diagnosis. In a short time I resolved emotional problems and found myself with an undetectable viral load in my blood."




"I've known Kaj for a long time, first as an excellent English teacher and then as an excellent corporate coach.


Kaj gave me precious tips about the corporate world and has always advised me on my career.


In April 2015 I had an anxiety and stress crisis and we started talking. He then recommended  a hypnosis session.


Since then he has helped me through my crisis with hypnosis sessions and I confess that I initially did not believe in hypnotherapy.


But he through his knowledge, he made me perceive a new perspective. I currently have no attacks, but I don't give up hypnosis to improve my focus on things, whether it's improving my English, focusing on my diet, or simply on how to become a better person.

Thanks to Kaj for the sessions, chats and valuable tips.


I believe everyone should do hypnotherapy sessions and Kaj is highly recommended as he conveys confidence and is knowledgeable about the subject."





I came to Kaj with sleeping problems that I have had for years. After two sessions I was able to sleep like a baby. Kaj switched my mindset so that I don’t have to worry about my sleep anymore. I just go to bed and fall asleep. I will definitely consult Kaj again to improve other aspects of my life. Thank you very much!



“I wish to leave a message of eternal gratitude to Kaj who managed to get me out of trauma and out of a deep depression. After searching countless professionals, he was recommended to me, thank God, and Kaj's immeasurable competence managed to get me my life back. Congratulations and may God bless you each day to be able to help people with your knowledge and empathy for human beings. Thanks forever. ”         




"I am 33 years old and have tried different types of therapy. I was depressed, with very low self-esteem and no motivation for work.


Suffering from a very serious eating disorder and diagnosed as borderline (personality disorder with mood swings) I noticed the improvement right in the first sessions. I was a bit afraid because I found Kaj through his website and had no references.


Today I can indicate him and affirm that the hypnosis sessions, as well as the audios that I have access to in my house, took me out of a tragic situation of unhappiness".




" I had been looking for a professional in the field of psychotherapy with hypnosis for some time and I had the satisfaction of knowing Kaj's work.


Through all his professionalism, experience and wisdom, I achieved surprising results in the recovery of my self-esteem and in the perception of my reality in living with a person with personality disorder problems. Our sessions enabled me to learn to deal with this situation and to understand my role in this context, even offering empowerment tools to make the best decisions about this harmful relationship. The hypnosis sessions helped me to regain self-confidence, assertive positioning and especially to have faith. Faith in my abilities and faith in God.


Now I'm listening to your audio EMPOWER YOUR MIND TO HAVE RESILIENCE which has reinforced the work done in the office and brought a lot of strength to face my day-to-day.


I am immensely grateful to you Kaj, this professional who is so dedicated and who loves what he does, having as a priority to help people effectively. I rescued my identity, I am safe and I even returned to having dreams, life purposes, which were so sadly dormant. And now happily awakened to a new life.


Thank you so much Kaj and congratulations on your beautiful and important work!”





“Through this testimony, I would like to be able to express all my gratitude to Kaj.


I spent the last 20 years of my life tirelessly struggling to resolve some past traumas and beliefs. I had already tried practically everything:  Hypnosis, Counselling, Family Constellation, Parapsychology, Microphysiotherapy, Trauma Releasing Exercises TRE, Mocha Acupuncture, NLP, Reiki and a few more which I don't remember the name...


When I was referred to Kaj, I was already disbelieving in solving my problem. Even so, I decided to give it a try, after all I had nothing to lose. It only took 3, that's right, 3 sessions to see my trauma change drastically. Does it seem like a miracle? Yea! Sounds unbelievable? Yea! I confess that at times I don't even believe that it really happened.


Kaj is an enlightened being. He definitely came with a noble mission to this plane and he is performing it brilliantly.


Thank you Kaj for transforming my life and that of so many others. May your life be proportionately blessed. Eternally grateful!”




“My name is F...... S...... and I’ve suffered from panic since I was 15 years old. Today I'm 39 years old and I've done several therapies that didn't render any results. I took medicine between 2003 and today.


After having sessions  with Kaj, I am, I can say, free of panic. Today my life is different. I am a much better person, calmer, confident and above all, free.


I am very grateful to Kaj, as only those who suffer from this problem know what agony it is.”




“Wow Kaj, you even made me thrilled with such kindness during my treatment, always smiling even when I was late.


Gratitude is the only word that comes to mind when I think of you, because only a person like me who is unbalanced knows the pain and consequences that occur in every area of ​​ones life.


I am sexually compulsive due to sexual abuse in childhood and Kaj Vardinghus' hypnotherapy brought incredible results within a very short period of time.


I feel different, confident and managing my compulsion in a healthy way. It no longer compromises my quality of life and I manage to be productive.


If I can give you any advice, I would tell you to take care of your greatest asset, which is your life and be happy.”




“It was a surprised to meet Kaj Vardinghus. Right from the first hypnotherapy session I felt very calm, calm, serene and comfortable. I had no idea how serious Kaj's hypnosis and professionalism were. I am very grateful for his work and for having met him. I recommend his work. . whoever needs it.




“My name is D…... I am 41 years old and I've had Parkinson's disease since I was 29 years old.


I am being attended by Santa Casa in São Paulo and take my medication regularly.


The only problem is that even taking the medicine, I face emotional issues. I feel that way when I'm on the street or anywhere full of people. At such times there is no medicine that helps and the tremors dominate me.


I've tried therapies in all ways to help my emotional side, but I only started to get results in this part when I met hypnotherapist Kaj Vardinghus, who through hypnosis reduced much of this problem. I'm feeling better with each session.”




“I didn't believe in hypnotherapy. But in the situation I found myself in, desperate, I was willing to try anything that would help me. And it really helped, the result was impressive. When I left, I was already feeling better. The session was super smooth, and I was conscious all the time. I really recommend it.”




“My name is S... I was feeling depressed about relationships and family, I wanted a release from negative thoughts, and I got excellent results in very few sessions.


Kaj is a very competent and knowledgeable professional. I owe him respect and thank him so much for helping me shift my focus to the things that really matter.”




“Writing to you caused me some difficulty, given the intensity and vastness of the experience. Since the first session, I felt that countless windows were opened in terms of learning and self-knowledge, seeing so many possibilities of self-knowledge contributed a lot to my evolution, and had an immense and fantastic impact on me.


When I came to you, my intention was to unlock my difficulty in communicating in English and solve a stress problem causing lack of focus, which I was experiencing at the time. As I manage a team of 20 people in the commercial department of a multinational company, I need to be very focused and sure of the decisions I'm making, and even in the commercial strategies, because a strategic mistake can cause the loss of millions.


I felt completely out of focus and had no concentration for anything, it felt like I had forgotten all my experience and study.

At first I didn't believe that I could go into hypnosis even because of the lack of focus and concentration II found myself in.


In just two sessions I already felt the results, and in three sessions I was completely focused, it's amazing, because if someone told me such experience I wouldn't believe it, I believed it because I lived it.


At the same time as I glimpsed so many new connections, I felt a sense of familiarity and peace, I left each session light as a feather, as if I was (re)knowing myself again, and as if you've known me for years, because without me saying much, you knew my difficulties and knew how to deal with them.


After the sessions, I started to 'listen' to myself more, control myself in situations of pressure and identify important aspects for my development.


I felt happy because I no longer had the need to be in control of the whole situation and this allowed me to identify aspects that I still need to work hard on.


As you told me, hypnosis can help you in every way, and I believe it!


I thank you immensely!!!"




“I found my sessions with Kaj extremely useful in helping me focus on my objectives and understand and overcome, both consciously and subconsciously, the issues blocking me. Kaj's work left me calmer and more centered which had a positive effect on all aspects of my life.”




“After failing on my first attempt at an international exam, I had lost my motivation to even sit down and study. I was emotionally blocked, however, already after the first hypnotherapy session with Kaj, I regained my motivation to study. The next two sessions worked on staying motivated, retaining information, and staying calm and focused during the exam. From my experience, I can recommend Kaj to anyone who is blocked and suffers from exam anxiety.”




“My name is T...... and I suffered from anxiety and panic disorder 2 years due to work stress.


I took a lot of medicine and still felt many symptoms of anxiety. It really disturbed my life.


With Kaj's help I got results in the first session!  We treated all my fears and symptoms that caused anxiety.


And today after 5 sessions I feel much better. I just have to thank kaj for his help".




"With Kaj I got results already in the first session! We treated several traumas that needed to be overcome, so that I can reach my goals. I feel every day more prepared to promote the necessary changes in my life."




“Kaj found certain mental blocks that I had, in the form of beliefs and assumptions that limited my way of acting.


Through an accurate analysis of my behavior, he planned hypnosis sessions in a way that would ease my anxieties and allow me to let go, and stop feeling limited and constricted.


I am very grateful to Kaj for the honesty with which he exposed my problems and for helping me to deal with them.


I recommend hypnotherapy to everyone who is looking for tranquility within themselves and who cannot find it in other ways."




“We certainly have little knowledge of the faculties of the mind.


I had some experiences and training on hypnotherapy and I confess that I had some doubts about the effectiveness of this type of treatment. Traditional medicine has its limitations regarding the true origin of the pathologies that appear in our lives today. We can often resolve them with traditional therapy, but we have some symptoms that persist even with intensive treatments.


My studies have guided me to past life therapy and we are not here to prove that they are real or not, what is clear is that people who undergo this type of therapy show amazing improvement in symptoms and I could say that real miracles happen. when we begin to understand the existence of the immortal soul.


I can conclude that through the help of hypnotherapy we have reached the first step towards self-knowledge and this will certainly lead to a healthier and happier life.”




“Dear Kaj,


I would like to thank you for your help. Despite so few sessions I got measurable results and I am very grateful to you and the methodology. I can say that hypnotherapy is definitely a technique that I will use whenever I need it.


Thank you.”




"Gratitude is a unique form of recognition, and recognition is a sincere form of gratitude.” (Alan Vaszatte). I want to immensely thank Kaj Vardinghus for helping me in this reconstruction of “WHO AM”.


 In 1998, at age 16, I had decided to become a nun. I packed my bags and went. There, anxious, due to missing the family, the early decision, new friendships and the pressure of confinement, I gained 10 kilos. But I remained. It was a lot of prayer and a lot of work. However, over the years, due to the austere lifestyle, pious of rules and customs, I got sick without realizing it. I lost too much weight and couldn't eat anymore. So I was dismissed. I lost ground at that time, and with that I spent years and years looking for ways to regain my self-esteem and the strength to live.


A friend recommended me to undergo therapy and so we started looking for a professional who was able to understand the complexity of this type of case. After many failed attempts and a lot of money spent, but without losing hope, searching the internet we found Kaj, which was literally the light at the end of the tunnel. I did quite a lot of sessions due to resistance (since I no longer believed in therapists and their methods) and after that, I started to respond to the treatment, recognizing myself as a unique person, a woman, and especially LIGHT. Kaj , I’ll forever want to leave my testimony here, because, if after 20 years I am here, happy, healthy, confident in victory and above all in peace, I owe it to you, Kaj, to you.


May God, in his infinite goodness, overflow your life with great happiness. I hope my testimony will be an inspiration to many people who are still in the dark.


Kaj Vardinghus is an excellent therapist, an extremely competent being of light. Excellent instrument in the fight for a cure.”




"Problem definition, after two counseling appointments, where I talked about my afflictions. In the 1st appointment, there was a first hypnosis session, just a relaxation that calmed me down. In the next appointment, he told me about an "insight" het had when  reflecting on what we had talked about.


The right focus was when he interpreted post-traumatic stress as one of the main causes of my emotional maladjustments. I had already heard about it,but didn't know how such an event could have negative consequences in several areas of my life, in fact, in all: professional, social, health and affective. Even though I had undergone Lacanian psychoanalysis and other therapies, this possibility had never occurred to me.


Using a neurolinguistic technique, under hypnosis, there was an emotional detachment from the traumatic event. Before, I couldn't start talking and I would already be crying.


Now I feel like I've managed to close that painful chapter, without forgetting it, but without the recurring pain I've felt for years. Really, it was wonderful to continue to live without carrying that weight on my heart.


Thank you very much for the excellent service."




“When we began talking, I had one thing I wanted to treat. As we talked, I ended up discovering more things.


My main problem was mainly my "sweets" binge eating.


My second issue was about flying phobia or "fear of flying". Well then: we treated both things at the same time. I feel the hypnosis for “fear of flying” was very satisfying. I have Just finished a trip where I took 4 flights, and I simply forgot that I had a problem with flying.


My compulsion for sweets ended up taking a back seat and I believe we should try to emphasize this issue more carefully!


As you asked me, my mom's therapy for depression was very satisfying, but if we ask her, she says she doesn't know why she got better?!


So I hope to come back soon to complete the binge eating hypnosis.


See you soon."




“I am writing to thank you for the treatment I did with you, which had great effect, especially in terms of relaxation and when I go to sleep. I have been sleeping for a few days now without using the medicine I used to induce sleep, this is due to the treatment (hypnotherapy) I had with you.


Thank you so much and may God always enlighten you.”






“If I had to describe the Mental Bank Course, taught by master Kaj Vardinghus in just one word it would be, “EXCELLENT”.


I found that the Mental Bank training is an essential and infallible tool for those who aspire to success.


As for the teacher  Kaj, his high depth of knowledge, professional experience combined with his exceptional teaching ability, made the course one of the best investments in training I have made”.



MB - Life and Business Coach